Exotic Shorthair The Exotic Shorthair has a medium, rounded compact body, a rounded head and ears, and large round eyes They come in "Extreme" and traditional looks Extreme Exotics have a flatter face Traditional Exotics have more of a regular face so will breathe more easily The Exotic has a thick neck and broad chest TheyNotre sélection de chatteries et élevages de chats British Shorthair Trouvez un chaton British Shorthair à l'achat près de chez vous grâce à notre annuaire d'éleveurs !Bestknown for their distinctive appearance, the Exotic Shorthair is a close relative to the widely loved Persian cat In fact, the Exotic Shorthair was originally bred as an easytogroom alternative to the higher maintenance Persian;

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Chat exotic shorthair élevage
Chat exotic shorthair élevage-Petit élevage de chats Exotic Shorthair de qualités élevés librement sans cage Toutes couleurs du solide au bicolores au calico au van au fumé au tabby et au color point Trouver un chat à adopter Éleveurs de Exotic Shorthair Exotic Shorthair à vendre Exotic Shorthair à vendre Chatons Persan et Exotic Shorthair aux yeux vertsChatterie Des Jardins Persans est 1 éleveur de Exotic Shorthair basé à Gonfaron (590) dans le Var Retrouvez les coordonnées et des infos sur ce élevage de Exotic Shorthair ainsi que sur de nombreux autres élevages, dans le Var ou dans d'autres ##PAYS_NOM##

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Persan exotic shorthair et spitz, Dourdain 409 likes Agricultrice félinsWwwchatadoptercom a été créé pour faciliter l'adoption de jeunes chats adultes retraités qui ont participé à la sélection et à l'amélioration de l'élevage du chat de race Tous les chats qui vous sont proposés par les éleveurs sont stérilisés, vaccinés, pucés ou tatoués, traités contre les parasites internes et sont enAug 24, 17 · The Exotic Shorthair cat might or might not be intimate its own on an everyday basis, because it tends to become hot and typically prefers sleeping on cool tile or a brick fireplace These cats are a unit unnoticeable and simple to measure with The Exotic can follow its own round the house then quiet down to rest quietly in some nook or cranny
Elevage familial de chat persan et exotic shorthair , venez Voir la fiche A LA CHATTERIE O'SWEET PERSIAN'S Eleveur de chats elevage familial de chats exotic shorthairpersans Voir la fiche Chatterie de l ' OPALINE Eleveur de chats Adresse 398 RUE DU RAFOUR 013 ChâtillonlapaludThe Exotic Shorthair is a breed of cat developed as a shorthaired version of the Persian The Exotic is similar to the Persian in many ways, including temperament and conformation, a flat nose and face with the exceptions of the short dense coat In the late 1950s, the Persian was used as an outcross by some American Shorthair breedersApr 29, 21 · The Exotic Shorthair is a breed of cat developed to resemble a shorthaired version of the Persian This cat appeals to people who love the personality of the Persian, but do not want the burden of constantly grooming a longhaired cat with a very dense coat
The Exotic needs daily grooming to remove shedding hair, and to prevent hair from matting Because this breed is a shorthair cat breed, taking care of the Exotic is super easy All cat breeds will groom themselves several times throughout the day Daily grooming is necessary because it limits the amount of hair that your cat will consumeWe have developed a Persian and Exotic Shorthair website that we hope is not only fun, functional but educational We hope you enjoy your visit and searching for your next Persian or Exotic cat or kitten Please feel free to contact us at our email rockymountn@yahoocom or byNotre sélection de chatteries et élevages de chats British Shorthair dans le département Gard Trouvez un chaton British Shorthair à l'achat dans le 30 grâce à notre annuaire d'éleveurs !

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Elevage persan et exotic shorthair "des champs de blé", Beaumesnil, HauteNormandie, France 636 likes Nos chats sont élevés depuis leur naissances jusqu àExotic shorthair, exotic shorthair cat, exotic shorthair kittens, exotic shorthair for sale, exotic shorthair cats, exotic shorthair kittens for sale, exotic shorthair breeders, exotic shorthair cat breeds, exotic shorthair adoption, exotic shorthair kitten, exotic shorthair price, exotic shorthair tabbyexotic, exotic shorthair, europeanLéo, un adorable chaton exotic shorthair de presque 4 mois vient d'arriver chez les Bluebell Cats Nous sommes sous le charme de cette petite peluche vivante

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Exotic shorthair, exotic shorthair cat, exotic shorthair kittens, exotic shorthair for sale, exotic shorthair cats, exotic shorthair kittens for sale, exotic shorthair breeders, exotic shorthair cat breeds, exotic shorthair adoption, exotic shorthair kitten, exotic shorthair price, exotic shorthair tabbyexotic, exotic shorthair, european31 janv 18 Explorez le tableau « Chats Exotic Shorthair » de Diane Roger, auquel 924 utilisateurs de sont abonnés Voir plus d'idées sur le thème chatExotic DitDots Exotic Shorthairs (Arizona) Mewz Exotic Shorthairs (Arizona) Echo Hill Exotics (California) Purrpals (California) Bella Mia Cattery (California) Catsbeme Cattery (California) A Love4paws Cattery (California)

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Elevage persan et exotic neves du lagon bleu, VilleneuveSaintGeorges 3,375 likes · 3 talking about this elevage de persan et d'exotic shorthair dans le val de marneApr 29, 21 · The Exotic Shorthair has steadily gained popularity among cat fanciers since the breed was initially accepted by the CFA in the 1960s An Exotic was the CFA's Cat of the Year in 1991 and an Exotic kitten was CFA's Best Kitten in 1992 According to the CFA,Exotic Shorthair Kittens for sale is the best choice for beautiful, healthy, affectionate, lovely and adorable Shorthair Kittens We breed Exotic Shorthair Kittens For Sale with Golden Shaded, Silver Shaded and Chinchilla colors, green or blue eyes Shorthairs Exotic Shorthair Kittens for sale from gorgeous, safe and checked parents and include

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Elevage Du Palais D Isis Eleveur De Chats Exotic Shorthair
Exotic Shorthair Physical Characteristics The Exotic Shorthair can be succinctly described as being a shorthaired Persian, since for all intents, it meets every standard for the Persian breed, except for the coat The Exotic may grow to be up to 15 pounds, but in height it remains fairly short and close to the groundJun 19, · About Exotic Shorthairs The Exotic Shorthair has been a wellkept secret among cat fanciers for many years This unusual cat meets the breed standard for the Persian in almost every way, with a single but very important exception the Exotic has a short coat The longhaired Persian is one of the most popular of allThe Exotic Shorthair breed came about from a desire to create a breed as similar as possible to the longhaired Persian, but without a highmaintenance coat that requires daily grooming In the 1950s, breeders crossed Persian cats with American Shorthairs, British Shorthairs, and a variety of other breeds The result was named the Exotic Shorthair

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CFA Exotic Shorthair kittens available All PKD negative and health guaranteed Colors are BiColor, Solids and Tabbies in Red, Cream, Torties, Calicos, Blue Creams, Black, Brown Tabby and Blue Kittens are raised underfoot as soon as they are using the litter boxes We are located in Marysville North of SeattleL'exotic shorthair, aussi connu comme le chat exotique à poil court, possède plusieurs similarités avec le persanTout en rondeur, ce félin possède un tempérament calme mais tout de même curieux et joueur Il n'aime pas beaucoup la solitude, ce qui enWhile the Persian requires daily grooming, the Exotic Shorthair's short, dense, and plush coat is extremely easy to care for

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Élevage de Exotic Shorthair dans les AlpesMaritimes L'annuaire Chatsdumondecom recense 3 élevages de Exotic Shorthair dans les AlpesMaritimes Voir d'autres élevages Référencer votre élevageMay 04, 18 · Exotic Shorthair health concerns Anytime you decide to purchase a pedigree kitten or better yet adopt a pedigree rescue cat, you need to be aware that because they are a "pedigree" it's possible that they may be at risk for developing an inheritable disease due to their "selective breeding"Nov 17, · Exotic Shorthair Elevage à fuir Race de chat Exotic Shorthair Elevage à fuir Général Voir les autres sujets Quand on achète un chat de race, il faut demander à l'éleveur le pedigree des ascendants non seulement pour vérifier que la couleur peut correspondre car il y a pas mal d'arnaques là dessus mais aussi pour la

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A Mixed Bag of a Mixed Breed In both appearance and personality, the Exotic Shorthair cat is easy to love Her traits include A quiet or soft voice A lively, friendly personality Good with children and other pets Loyal and loving companion She will have some needs you should know about Peopleoriented and should not be left alone for long periods of time Coat requires regular brushing andElevage de chat persan, elevage exotic shorthair pedigree loof Chatons à vendre persans et exotics shorthairs Photos de nos chats persan & exotic shorthairElevage de Chats Persan & Exotic Shorthair (Très Belle Lignée), LOOF, pucés, vaccinés, vermifugés, parents testés PKD, Fiv, Felv Magnifiques chatons élevés en

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Elevage persan et exotic shorthair "des champs de blé", Beaumesnil, HauteNormandie, France 745 likes · 16 talking about this Nos chats sont élevés depuis leur naissances jusqu àExotic Shorthair Cat Breeders click on the breeders cattery name to go to their website ADD YOUR CATTERY CLICK HERE;Best known for their distinctive appearance, the Exotic Shorthair is a close relative to the widely loved Persian cat In fact, the Exotic Shorthair was originally bred as an easy to groom alternative to the higher maintenance Persian;

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Exotic Shorthair Elevage à fuir Race de chat Exotic Shorthair Elevage à fuir Général Voir les autres sujets Une amie a acheté un chat en expo et n'a jamais reçu le pedigree malgré plusieurs relances L'année suivante nous sommes retournées à l'expo où elle était Nous sommes allées voir la présidente et lui avons ditOur Exotic Shorthair for sale also comes in a wide variety of coat patterns and colors We have a solid blue female, a white male exotic, and an orange tabby This breed is more energetic as it maintains its playfulness until adulthood It goes along well with other pets at home and with people regardless of ageThe Exotic Shorthair won't demand a lot of attention, but she is a playful entertainer which makes her an excellent companion for families with multiple pets and children Today, the Exotic Shorthair is one of the most popular, purebred shorthair cats

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The gentle Exotic Shorthair is a Persian in its pajamas and is the ideal cat for those who love the look of the Persian but do not have the time or inclination to take care of all that hair Sometimes called 'the lazy man's Persian', the Exotic Shorthair is bred to be just like the Persianexcept with a short, dense coat instead of a longBest of breed exotic shorthair region 1 /9 season 19/ best blue tabby and white nationaly region 1/9 season 19/ blue mac tabby and white exotic shorthair male homozygot shorthair sir ch sanfe hamilton of d eden lover dam d eden lover mirabelle of pl*jantar (gc rw d eden lover special edition & gc rw d eden lover lyo )While the Persian requires daily grooming, the Exotic Shorthair's short, dense, and plush coat is extremely easy

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